Thursday, February 07, 2008

Shocka! More Guitar Hero on the Way

We all knew that more Guitar Hero was on the way this year. But three more GH games this year? That's a little surprising. Two this spring, one this fall. Maybe a Guitar Hero: Metal Edition?

In the same conference call Activision announced there would be a sequel to Marvel: Ultimate Alliance this year as well. Personally, I'm thrilled. M:UA was a pretty good game that needed a coat of polish. For the life of me I can't understand why a major game based on Marvel characters would use such atrocious still art. Throw a few bucks a Jimenez, McNiven, Hitch, Skottie Young, Sal Larocca and Djurdjevic and let them do the art. And while you're at it, a better story wouldn't hurt either. I know it's a video game based on comics, but doesn't mean it has to be stupid.