Wednesday, May 31, 2006

New Batwoman

There has been a lot of ink spilled in the last few days over the news that DC Comics is bringing back Batwoman. To quote the New York Times the new Batwoman (real name, Kate Kane) is:

a wealthy (socialite), buxom lipstick lesbian who has a history with Renee Montoya, an ex-police detective who has a starring role in 52.
Some people have an issue with DC making such a prominent character Gay. Others question why the DCU, which had been fairly lily-white, is experiencing a sudden explosion of minority characters. Some groups question why this step wasn't taken years ago. Me? I'm happy, but with some reservations. My big worry is that Batwoman will be a GAY superhero instead of a gay SUPERHERO. Sexual orientation should be one facet of Kate Kane's character, not the defining characteristic. Other than that, I really don't care. If the character grabs me, I'll buy her book. If she doesn't interest me, she gets sent to the cornfield, like any other character.

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One more thought, this is a step towards equal portrayals of homosexuals, but until you have gay and lesbian villains, it will still be a double standard.

New Justice Society

I'm of two minds on the new Justice Society of America series that will be relaunching in October. One one hand Geoff Johns and Dale Eaglesham are two of my favorites at DC comics, and JSA had been, pound for pound, the best team book in comics for quite a while now. On the other hand, does it really need a relaunch? Flash makes sense as a relaunch since it clearly isn't going to be Wally West in the suit (at least for now). Justice League makes sense as a relaunch, partly as an outcome of 'Crisis of Conscience'. partly because the book has been pretty bad for the past few years, with the exceptions of Busiek's Crime Syndicate story and Johns' aforementioned Crisis of Conscience. But Wonder Woman starting over from #1 smacks of cheap gimickry to me, and to be perfectly honest, so does the new JSofA. I don't think any of the series' will be bad, but trend towards #1's just smacks of the speculators boom in the 90's.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Rescue Me Begins Tonight!

It seems like just yesterday FX was a joke of a network whose sole claim to fame was having a morning show hosted by a puppet. Now? It's the best network on television. Tonight Rescue Me returns in all it's sublime glory. For those of you who don't know (and are too lazy to click on the link I have so thoughtfully provided), Rescue Me is the fictional story of an FDNY engine company that was hit particularly hard on 9/11. While I call the show a comedy, since it's hilariously funny, it has a ton of pathos and emotion to complement the yuks. Watch it. Enjoy it. Laugh at the Probie.

Welcome Nerds

Please don't be offended by the word "Nerd". In here Nerd, along with Geek, Fanboy and Fangirl, are not words of derision, but badges of honor. A Nerd is someone who is unashamed of what they enjoy. A Nerd is someone who takes pride in their passtimes, no matter what that passtime may be. Non-Nerds let trends and polls, focus groups and peer pressure decide what they like and dislike. Nerds like what they like and don't give a damn what GQ or Cosmo thinks of it. So don't deny your Nerdliness. Don't hide your Geekdom behind a veneer of Trendy. Shout it from the rooftops. Wear it proudly. I am a Nerd, and proud.