Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Random Thoughts

Man I cannot wat for the new TV shows to start. Rescue Me and Always Sunny... on FX and Eureka on SciFi have been good, but this summer TV season just seemed to go on forever.

Saints Row is a blast, but all I can think of while playing is "How awesome is Grand Theft Auto 4 going to be?" The dialouge in particular isn't bad, but it just seems a little off compared to San Andreas.

All-Star Batgirl? Does she really rate an All-Star treatment? To be perfectly honest I like Cassie Cain-Batgirl and Babs Gordon-Oracle more than I like Babs Gordon-Batgirl.

Every week there seems to be some piece of news that makes me want a PS3 even less. But looking at the sparse list of exclusive titles pretty much kills any desire I had for the system, even if I had $500-$600 to blow on it.

In 10 years will Civil War be known more for the story it's telling or the Great Marvel Delay of Aught-Six?

I like that Lost's creators, and ABC, took fan criticism of the show's erratic scheduling to heart, but a 13 week gap in the middle of a season is borderline ridiculous.

New Audioslave this week, new Black Label Society next week. The rock gods are smiling.

You know what movie should be remade? Clash of the Titans. It could be the next LotR if they get the right person to helm it.

I need a new book to read. Any suggestions? Something Sci-Fi but smart.

1 comment:

scifirantergirl said...

I think Clash of the Titans *is* being remade. I heard that info on sliceofscifi.com but I don't have a reference yet. Googling...