Bono & Videogame Propaganda?
Okay, this one is a bit convoluted, but hang with me. A company establighed by Bono, of U2 fame, recently invested $300M in Pandemic Studios, a videogame developer most famous for creating games such as Star Wars - Battlefront, Full Spectrum Warrior & Mercenaries. Pandemic is currently developing Mercenaries 2: World in Flames for the next gen consoles. Mercenaries 2 takes place in Venezuela after it's "power-hungry tyrant" siezed control of the nation's oil fields. Hugo Chavez, who fits the definition of "power-hungry tyrant", decried the game as proof that America is attempting to overthrow his regime. What does this all mean? According to some sites it means that Bono is now funding anti-leftist propaganda. Now I like Bono, and he is a lot of things, but a right wing propagandist isn't one of them. In fact of all the labels you could apply to Bono 'right-winger' & 'tool of American imperialisism' are probably right at the bottom of the list. Not to mention the fact that Chavez has threatened to forcibly take over the oil & natural gas fields in Venezuela (he calls it 'nationalization').
Oh wait, it gets better. Now Jack (murder simulator) Thompson has chimed in on the controversy. I'll save you the trouble of reading Thompson's interminable diatribe and summarize:Games bad. Violence bad. Won't you please think of the children. Murder simulator. Grand Theft Auto. Hookers. Guns. Manhunt. Boobies. Sky falling. Rockstar. Take Two. Don't invest. Kill everybody. Brainsss. Brrrainnnsss. Hooookerrrss.
Ah Jack, the eloquent dignity that comes from your pen is a sight to behold. I thought it would be impossible for Thompson to become an even bigger jerkwad, but wow was I wrong. To sum up my point: Bono, keep up the good work. Hugo, a freaking videogame isn't a declaraton of war, no matter what the magical tree fairy living in your head tells you. Jack, please fade into the Frederick Wertham inspired nothingness from whence you came and stop trying to crush a safe & fun hobby that millions of people indulge in daily. Thank you and goodnight. technorati tags: Videogames, Politics
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