Monday, July 10, 2006

Dragonlance Animated Movie?

Ah Dragonlance. It seems like just yesterday I stepped into the local Waldenbooks with my mother, intent on buying my first real book. I was immediately drawn to the sci-fi/fantasy section of the store and one book in particular; a large, softbound edition of Dragonlance: Chronicles. I recognised the title from a recent SSI-TSR Gold Box RPG (100 points to anyone that knows what I'm talking about) we had been given for the Commodore 64. Within 2 months both covers had begun to fall off. Within 6 months the book was dog-eared, faded and held together with duct tape from the long hours my brother and I spent immersed in it's goldenrod colored pages. It was the perfect book for my 9 year old mind: action, adventure, mystery and tension. I still look at that book much the same way I look at the Star Wars original trilogy or Transformers; any and all flaws I see in them as an adult are smoothed over in a flood of innocent, childlike glee. And it is in that childlike mindset that I come to tell you that an animated version of my beloved Dragonlance: Chronicles is now in production and set for an August 2007 theatrical release. Oddly enought the normal scepticisim, or outright cynicisim, I usually feel in cases like this just isn't there; I feel nothing but glee at the thought of a big screen animated version of Weis & Hickman's classic. I could still be crushed by the final product, I've yet to see any concept art, and the team behind it isn't exactly convidence inspiring, but for once I have almost complete confidence that this will be a good adaptation. Am I changing my ways? Am I just hoping against hope that my childhood will not be kicked in the nads...again? Or have I just gone wonderfully, pleasantly insane? Only time will tell.

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