Thursday, October 05, 2006

Random Musings - Playoffs Edition

Heroes has been a lot of fun so far, but after two episodes the only characters I like are Hiro and maybe Mohander. That can change quickly but the producers should have done a better job of making the characters connect with the audience.

While I liked the time-travel twist in the second episode, I think it may have been too soon. Time travel and paradoxes (paradoxii?) generally tend not to play well with most audiences, especially if the characters haven't caught on yet. I think a lot of people may have been turned off by the last episode.

Lost's season premiere was good (well, maybe very good) but not great. The producers actually answered a few questions without completely innundating the viewer with too many fresh ones. I can't really say what I found wrong with the episode. Something just

My initial pessimism about Smith seems to have been off base.

Why are there no good videogames based on DC games? I'd love to see a Batman game that blends the stealth elements of Splinter Cell with the acrobatics of Prince of Persia. Somebody, please make this happen.

Jackass 2. Words cannot describe this movie. I have a pretty strong constitution but I had to cover my eyes for a good 20% of the movie. It was that revolting. Now that doesn't mean it wasn't funny, it was, but it was also so very, very hard to watch.

The South Park premiere was everything a fan could ask for. The cadence and inflection Cartman uses while planning and executing the raid was tone perfect.

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