The Hot List
52 Week #14
Fables #52
Firestorm The Nuclear Man #28
Green Arrow #65 JSA Classified #15
Martian Manhunter #1
Secret Six #3
Superman #655
Annihilation #1
Civil War Front Line #5
Incredible Hulk #97
Ms Marvel #6
New X-Men #29
She-Hulk 2 #10
Squadron Supreme #6
Ultimate Spider-Man Annual #2
Ultimate X-Men #73
#13 may have been the best issue of 52 to date. The pattern of the book has visibly changed in the last month, and the new focus, both in terms of characters and timeframe, has improved the pacing dramatically. Replacing the 'History of the DCU' backup with new character origins has helped as well.
JSA Classified has been pretty good up till now, but Englehart's Detroit era story in JLA: C stunk from issue 1, and the modern continuance hasn't helped one bit.
Martian Manhunter. I like the character (and Monitor Duty has one of the best profiles on J'Onn ever) but I'm not sure he can carry a solo series, even a limited series. The BNW short did ignite my interest however, so I'm giving it a twirl.
I read the first issue of all 4 Annihilation minis, but the Nova mini was the only that stuck with me. I tend to like Sci-Fi superhero stories, so I'll give this one another try.
When I first heard about Civil War i feared it would be really preachy, like Millar's Authority run. Overall I've been pleasantly surprised by how even-handed it's been, but Frontline has been an exception. It hasn't been bad, just slanted. Sally Floyd, the anti-reg reporter, is taking a moral stand for freedom. Ben Urich, the pro-reg reporter, is actually anti-reg, but his publisher, J. Jonah Jameson, is forcing him to write pro-reg articles. The Speedball feature has been okay, but suffers from the same slant as the main story. The less said about the 'war correspendence' segment the better. technorati tags: Comics, TheHotList,
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