Review Time
Uncanny X-Men #477: It's a bad sign when three issues into Ed Brubaker's run we already have a guest penciller. I guess if you're going to have a guest penciller then it should probably be the issue in which not one member of the team appears. This book should have FILLER written across it in big bold letters.
Moon Knight #4: A good issue that once again gives vivid insight into the minds of both Marc Spector and his shadowy antagonist. But four issues in and we're yet to see Moon Knight in costume outside of flashbacks. I love when a comic character is given layers and dimension, but the time has come for some ass kickery already.
Ex Machina #22: Ah Ex Machina. What other book gives you politics, betrayal, same-sex marital infedelity, and beautifully rendered shotgun wounds to the abdomen all in one package? Although I could have lived without seeing someone use a breathing aparatus for self-gratification. Note to those readers outside of the New York City area: Google Fire Fiend to get some background on what happened in this issue.
Quick Hits
All New Atom #2 - Not as good as the first issue, but still fun.
Detective Comics #822 - Another very good one-and-done story. I loved the Riddler as a rival detective. Don Kramer is the most underrated penciller in the business today.
Outsiders #39 - A lot of people like to slam Judd Winick, sometimes with good reason, but this issue showcases what he's great at: quirky dialouge between villains. His Mallah & The Brain is almost as good as his Sivana & The Fearsome Five. technorati tags: comics, ReviewTime
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