Friday, August 18, 2006

'Wanted' Casting News

Mark Millar has done a lot of great stuff. The Ultimates, The Authority, Wolverine, but to me his best work was Wanted with J.G. Jones. Because he wasn't playing in someone else's sandbox he was able to let loose and do all the evil perverse shit he always wanted to do. What we got was a book without heroes. Not the traditional comics 'anti-hero' who kills but is fundamentally good, but flat out evil villains made up the entire cast of characters. It was lewd bloody and oh so much fun.

Some time back Wanted was optioned as a movie. I yawned. Come on, there was no way this would actually hit the screen! I may have been wrong. According to The Hollywood Reporter (h/t Newsarama) a guy by the name of James McAvoy has been cast as Wesley Gibson, the star of the series. Now while this doesn't necessarily mean the movie will be any good, it likely means that we'll at least get to see it at some point.

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